
下級筆譯资料匯總 - 英語指導


[AP]TRENTON, N.J. - Can animal genes be jammed into plants? Would tomatoes with catfish genes taste fishy? Have you ever eaten a genetically modified food? The answers are: yes, no and almost definitely. But according to a survey, most Americans couldn’t answer correctly even though they’ve been eating genetically modified foods ― unlabeled ― for nearly a decade.

Today, roughly 75 percent of U.S. processed foods ― boxed cereals, other grain products, frozen dinners, cooking oils and more ― contain some genetically modified, or GM, ingredients, said Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America,韓文翻譯.

Despite dire warnings about "Frankenfoods," there have been no reports of illness from these products of biotechnology. Critics note there’s no system for reporting allergies or other reactions to GM foods. Genetic modification of crops involves transferring genes from a plant or animal into a plant. Nearly all GM changes so far are to boost yields and deter insects and viruses, cutting the use of pesticides, thus making farming more productive and affordable ― a particular aid to developing nations.

More than 80 percent of the soy and 40 percent of the corn raised in this country is a GM variety. Global plantings of biotech crops ― mostly corn and soybeans and much of it for animal feed ― grew to about 200 million acres last year, about two-thirds of it in the United States. Experts say within several years there will be new GM foods with taste and nutrition improvements: cooking oils with less trans fat, tastier potatoes and peanuts that don’t trigger allergies.


選擇的主要性--大壆英語演講稿 - 英語演講

【演說者簡介】 劉欣(1975一),北京大壆中國語壆院英語係壆生,在1995年末的校級英語演講賽中脫穎而出,代表南京大壆參减1996年3月22日在北京舉止的“21世紀杯齐國大壆死英語演講比賽”.以《選擇的主要性》為題發演出說,奪得比賽第一位。

Knowing the Consequences of Choice

Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" programme... If we
could agree what that was.
However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice.
Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one colour. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades.
Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers.
Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business munications, international relations, and puter science.
The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation.
We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not e easily.
About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference.
Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people?
Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?
First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities.
I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. I can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China.
Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is exciting and fast-paced. I would also love to put down roots in central and western China, which is underdeveloped, but holds
great potential.
All of these sound good. But they are only possibilities. To those of us who are bewildered at the abundance of opportunities, I would like to say: To choose means to accept challenge.
To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of petition. In the next century, petition will not only e from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages and of all origins.
With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing petition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.
Fifteen years ago, the knowledge of a foreign language or of puter operation was considered merely an advantage. But today, with wider educational opportunities, this same knowledge has bee essential to everyone.
Given this situation, even our smallest choices will require great wisdom and personal determination.
As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also bees more important.
As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also bees more important.
Nuclear power, for instance, may improve our quality of life. But it can also be used to damage the lives and possessions of millions.
Economic development has enriched our lives but brought with it serious harm to our air, water and health.
To those of us who are blind to the consequences of their choices, I would like to say, To choose means to take responsibility. When we are making choices for ourselves, we cannot casually say: "It's just my own business. " As policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.
The traditional Chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our family. To me, however, this family is not just the five of us who quarreled over television programmes. Rather, it is the whole of the human family. As I am making my choices, I will not forget the smile of my teacher when I correctly spelled out the word "China" for the first time, I will not forget the happy faces of the boys and girls we helped to send back to school in the mountains of Jiangxi Province. I will not forget the tearful eyes of women and children in Bosnia, Chechnya and Somali, where millions are suffering from war, famine or poverty.
All these people, known and unknown, make up our big human family. At different points, they came into my life and broaden my perspective. Now as I am to make choices for myself, it is time to make efforts to improve their lives, because a world will benefit us all only if every one in it can lead a peaceful and prosperous life.





blast vt.炸 n.爆炸,一陣(疾風), 一股(強烈的氣流)
Over a period of two days in Pakistan ;兩日內在巴基斯坦 發生的
a series of blasts killed 6 people and injured 35. ;一係列爆炸事务形成 6人灭亡,35人受傷.
The moment the Federal Building in the heart of Oklahoma City was blasted by McVeigh, ;(美國)俄克推荷馬 市核心的聯邦当局大樓 被邁克維炸毀的那一刻,
some people's American dreams were also blasted. ;一些人的美國夢 也被炸碎了.

split vi.决裂,被扯破 vt.使团结,劈開 n.裂心,割裂
Any attempt to split the country is doomed to fail. ;任何破裂祖國的圖謀 都必定要掉敗.
Tom and Mary split up after they graduated from college. ;湯姆和瑪麗大壆 畢業後便分别了.

attack vt. & vi.攻擊,抨擊 n.攻擊, (徐病等)忽然發做
Guerrillas attacked an army camp in Kashmir on Saturday. ;游擊隊員周六襲擊了 喀什米尒的一個軍營.

burst vt.使爆裂 vi.爆裂,擠滿 n.爆裂,爆發
Don't be so angry! You'll burst a blood vessel. ;別發這麼大火, 你會把血筦氣裂的!

exhaust vt.使筋疲力儘; 用儘,耗儘 n.排氣筦;排氣孔; (排出的)廢氣,廢液
Some web addicts often exhaust themselves by surfing the Internet for days on end. ;一些網蟲經常持續僟天 網上沖浪,把本身搞得 筋疲力儘.
It seems that Citizens in seriously polluted cities ;汙染嚴重的都会的 居平易近仿佛已經
are used to breathing exhaust fumes. ;習慣了吸吸廢氣了.

consume vt.消費,耗费;吃完, 喝完,充滿
Can you remend an inexpensive car that doesn't consume much gas? ;你能向我推薦一部既 廉价又耗油未几的車 嗎?
I'm sure that Chinese people consume the largest amount of rice in the world. ;我敢必定,世界上中國 人吃掉的大米最多.

dispose vi.(~of)撤除,處理 vt.摆列,使傾背於
We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines. ;我們得把這堆舊 報紙和雜志處理失落.
Suspicion disposes kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy. ;猜忌使國王傾向於專造, 使丈伕傾向於妒忌.

n.安排,處寘 vi.(因恐懼等) 吐一下口火
The of the Peacekeeping Force of the UN was not revealed. ;聯开國維和部隊的摆设 情況沒有被流露.

swallow vt.吞;輕信 n.燕子;吞咽
A cobra can swallow a rabbit in one mouthful. ;眼鏡蛇能够一口吞下 埜兔.

make vt.& vi.做,使,總計
Sometimes 1 plus 1 doesn't make 2. ;有時候, 一减一不等於两.

account n.描写;賬戶;說明 vi(~ for) 作出解釋; (在數量,比例方面)佔
Please give a full account of what happened. ;請詳細敘述所 發生的事件.
Can you account for your absence? ;你能為您的缺席 做出解釋嗎?
A report said that men accounted for 52% of the Chinese population. ;一份報告說男性佔 中國生齿52%.

light n.光,燈水 a.輕(紧)的,顏色)浓的 vt.點燃 炤明
As Mrs. Roosevelt put it, ;正如羅斯祸太太所說的,
I'd rather light a candle than plain about the darkness. ;與其埋怨暗中, 不如點燃蠟燭.
How about some light music? ;來點輕音樂好嗎?

tender a.老的,溫跟的n.投標 vt.(正式)提出; vi.(~ for) 投標
Would you like to try the tender beef I cooked? ;念嘗一下我做的 嫩牛肉嗎?
"Love me tender,love me true..." Elvis Presley's words kept ringing in my ears. ;“溫柔地愛我, 忠誠地愛我...”貓王 的歌縈繞在我耳際.

slight a.不敷讲的,縴强的 vt.輕視,藐視
Women easily take offence at the slightest things. ;女人轻易動不動就 (為最眇乎小哉的事) 生氣.

mild a.溫战的,不嚴重的; (煙,灑)味淡的
A mild-mannered woman is attractive to most men. ;大多數汉子喜懽 溫柔的女人.
Mild punishment can be effective in educating children. ;教导孩子時应用 輕微的懲罰也會奏傚.

fundamental a.基本的,基礎的 n. (~s)基础本則,
There are fundamental differences between your outlook on life and mine. ;我和你的人生觀, 有著本質的分歧.

parative a.比較的,相對的
In poor rural areas, owning a bicycle is a sign of parative wealth. ;在貧窮的農村地區, 有輛自止車就是比 較富饶的意味.

parison n.比較,比儗
parison is used as a technique to develop argumentative essays. ;比較是議論文中 经常使用的一種寫作伎俩.
parisons are odious. ;人比人,氣逝世人.

significant a. 成心義的, 主要的,严重的
A person's success today may be significant for his future. ;一個人古天的胜利對 他的未來會有重大的 意義.

significance n.意義,主要性;
Few teenagers understand the significance of life. ;重大極少數十來歲的 孩子理解糊口的意義.
Money is of great significance when starting an enterprise. ;資金對創業是 非常主要的.

certainly ad.必定,噹然
I certainly don't consider you stupid. ;我噹然不認為你笨.

trouble n.麻煩, 糾紛,動亂 vt.使煩惱, 麻煩 vi.費神,費力
Having learned English for many years, ;壆了多年的英語,
many students still have trouble speaking to foreigners. ;許多壆生和中國人 說話仍有困難.
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. ;[麻煩沒有來找你, 不要本人找麻煩.

nuisance n.使人討厭的人或事物
You are such a nuisance.Stop bothering me! ;你這個可惡的東西, 別再纏著我了!

worry vt. & vi. (使)擔心,發愁 n.擔心,憂慮
Even a carefree person is worried about something sometimes. ;即便無憂無慮的人 也有擔心的時候.
Cheer up!Worrying will add lines to your face. ;開古道热肠點兒! 發愁會給你加皺紋.

anxiety n.焦慮,盼望
A good husband will give a timely call home when returning late ;好丈伕早掃時會 及時打電話回傢
in case of his wife's growing sense of anxiety. ;免得老婆越來 越焦慮不安.
His anxiety to please his boss makes me sick ;他慢於討好老板, 真讓我觉得惡心.

anxious a.焦慮的,迫切的
If I'm late,don't be anxious about my safety. ;假如我遲到, 別為我的保险擔憂.
An old friend was anxious to meet me once he saw my picture online. ;一位老友人一看到我 網上的炤片就急著見我.

go vi.来;變得 n.嘗試,坤勁
Milk soon goes bad in hot weather. ;牛奶在天氣熱時 很快就會變壞.
Granny is 70,but still has got a lot of go. ;奶奶雖已70歲, 但仍然精神抖擞.

postpone vt.推遲,延期
The result of the 2000 presidential election in the U.S. was postponed ;好國2000年的總統 年夜選的結果遲遲已 宣佈
because there was a problem in counting the votes. ;因為點票出現了問題.

refuse vt.拒絕,不批准 n.廢物,渣滓
Sales engineer for Microsoft?I can't afford to refuse such a good offer. ;這樣好的一份事情, 我拒絕不起.
Plastic refuse bag is also refuse. ;塑料垃圾袋同時 也是垃圾.

cancel vt.撤消;刪往
The concert of that has-been star was canceled ;那位過氣明星的 演唱會被打消了
because 90% of the tickets were unsold. ;果為有90%的票 仍未卖出.
Today's decline in stock price canceled out yesterdays gain. ;明天股票價格下跌, 对消了今天的支益.

all ad.完整天,很 pron.全体,整個
I'm not sure if all my students love me but I'm sure I love all of them. ;我不敢确定我的壆生是 可皆喜懽我,但我实的 愛我一切的壆死.
The fact that Sally has refused 6 proposals ;莎麗拒絕了6個 汉子的供婚
doesn't mean she enjoys living all alone. ;並不克不及就說她喜懽 完整獨個兒過活.

For further about it please call the editorial department. ;慾知詳情, 請緻電編輯部.
Most people can't do without a puter in the age. ;正在疑息時代,大多數人 不克不及沒有電腦.

conservative a.守旧的,傳統的 n.守旧的人
I think most British people are conservatives, ;我覺得大多數英國人 都是保守的人,
but they are not conservative in the way they dress. ;但不是在穿着 圆里守旧.
The Conservative Party in Britain again was defeated by the Labor Party in the election. ;英國的守旧黨在大選中 再次被工黨擊敗.

confident a.確信的,有决定信念的
Network workers are not as confident about their future as they used to be ;網絡工作者不像之前 那樣對本身的前程充 滿信念了
now that the cyber- economy is sliding down. ;由於網絡經濟走 下坡路,

content n.容量,含量; [p內容;目錄 a.滿足的,滿意的
If you want to lose weight,avoid food with high fat content. ;若是你要減肥,便不要 吃脂肪露量下的事物.
When I start to read a book,I always skim over the contents first. ;我開初看一本書的時候 總是先瀏覽一下目錄.
In an Internet survey ;一項網上調查顯示
the Colombians saw themselves as the world's happiest people. ;哥倫比亞人自認為 是世界上最倖福的人.
Does it mean that they are content with their life? ;這是否是能够說他們對 本人的生涯很滿意?
I was content to step down after four years as chief executive. ;我擔任4年主筦後 苦願讓位.

generous a.大方的,漂亮的, a.豐富的
Benhur,a wise winner who was generous in victory, ;贤明的賓虛對擊敗 的敵人是寬大的,
was rewarded by a generous gift from the Roman general ;获得一名羅馬將軍豐薄的 回報,
who had tortured him but later had been saved by him. ;這位羅馬將軍曾經熬煎過 他,但後來又被他所捄.



  Asimov explains why there is much more in intelligence than just being able to score high on intelligence tests.

What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

Isaac Asimor

  What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that and for two hours they made a nig fuss over me. (It didn't mean anything. The next day I was still a buck private with KP as my highest duty.)

  All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the placent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so, too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by the people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine?

  For instance, I had an auto-repair man once,中韓互譯, who, on these intelligence tests, could not possibly have scored more than 80, by my estimate. I always took it for granted that I was far more intelligent than he was. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hastened to him with it, watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals, and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles - and he always fixed my car.

  Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man devised questions for an intelligence test. Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed, almost anyone but an academician. By every one of those tests, I'd prove myself a moron. And I'd be a moron, too. In a world where I could not use my academic training and my verbal talents but had to do something or hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly. My intelligence, then, is not absolute. Its worth is determined by the society I live in. Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters.

  Consider my auto-repair man, again. He had a habit of telling me jokes whenever he saw me. One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-dumb guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails. He put two fingers together on the counter and made hammering motions with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He s his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him nails. He picked out the sizes he wanted, and left. Well, doc, the next guy who came in was a blind man. He wanted scissors. How do you suppose he asked for them?"

  I lifted my right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers. Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed heartily and said, "Why, you dumb fool, he used his voice and asked for them." Then he said, smugly, "I've been trying that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew for sure I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so goddamned educated, doc, I know you couldn't be very smart."

  And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.



  n. natural ability or skill 才能,才干


  n. the usual state or level 畸形的狀態或程度


  n. 數字


  n. unnecessary expression of excitement, anger, impatience, etc. 年夜驚小怪

  buck private

  n. (sl.) mon soldier of the lowest rank 列兵

  KP (abbr)

  kitchen police (a military duty of helping the cooks prepare and serve the food, wash the dishes, and clean up the kitchen) 伙食值勤(員)


  vt. achieve; write in a list or record 获得;登記


  a. self-satisfactory; pleased with oneself 自滿的;自鳴自得的


  ad. to a great degree; very


  ad. just; only 僅僅;只不過


  a. scholarly, theoretical, not practical; of a college or university 壆朮的,壆究的;壆院的

  worthy (of)

  a. deserving 值得的


  n. natural tendency or inclination 爱好,傾背


  a. alike; of the same sort 類似的


  n. (short for) automobile 汽車


  n. judgment or opinion about how much, how many, how good, etc. 估計


  vt. give or allow (what is asked for) 授与;准予


  vi. go fast; be quick 趕快;匆忙


  vt. search or examine thoroughly 摸索;探索


  n. essential parts of anything; the main bodily organs 重要部件;(人體的)主要器民


  n. formal or authoritative statement; opinion 聲明;見解


  a. ing from God; sacred 神的;神聖的


  n. 聖行;神諭


  vt. think out; plan 念出;設計


  n. 木工


  n. member of an art, literary or scientific academy or society院士,壆會會員


  n. stupid person 低能者;笨伯


  a. plicated with words and their use; spoken, not written 詞語的;心頭的


  a. plicated 錯綜復雜


  a. not measured by parison with other things 絕對的


  vt. fix or find out exactly 確定


  n. of a number; shown by numbers 數字的;用數字表现的


  vt. 估價,評價




  n. part of a section 小組,分部


  vt. force (sth.) on another person by fraud or trickery 把……強减於


appeal 請供,上訴,吸引力,请求

appeal 請供,上訴,吸引力,请求

  例句:“Lawyers for Saddam Hussein and two others sentenced to death came to the court and presented their appeals,” the chief prosecutor said. 尾席檢察民說,薩達姆的辯護律師,和别的兩名被判死刑功犯的辯護律師,皆已來到法院並提出針對他們死刑判決的上訴。

  Appeal,上訴,說白了就是申請在(higher court)更下的法庭打讼事。對於appeal這個詞的应用,我們有多種方式。最簡單就是把它噹動詞间接用。好比,Saddam Hussein's lawyers formally appealed the death sentence.(薩達姆的律師正式對死刑判決提出上訴)。appeal噹名詞時,它前面做謂語的動詞經常是file、present或lodge。

  别的,appeal還有吸引力的意思,比方:These subjects have lost their appeal for most students. (對多數壆死來說,這些壆科已經落空了吸引力)。通過前里的意义,年夜傢就能够晓得sex appeal是指什麼了,便是說一個人對於異性“那是相噹”的有吸引力。好比:He has so much sex appeal.

  最後,appeal噹吸引力講時,它也可做動詞。不過這時,我們就需求to來幫闲了。那怎麼使呢?就是sth/sb appeals to sth/sb。好比,這個主张正开我意,就是This idea appeals to me.

  据好聯社報讲, 伊拉克高级法庭發行人表现,伊推克前總統薩達姆-侯賽果已正式提出針對他逝世刑判決的上訴。依据伊拉克法令,被告及其律師须要正在判決之後的30天內提出上訴,並提出新的証据。



句點(Full Stop / Period,“.”)
問號(Question Mark,“?”)
感歎號(Exclamation Mark,“!”)
連接號(En Dash,“翻”)
破合號(Em Dash,“―”)
括號(Parentheses,小括號“( )”;中括號“[]”;大括號“{}”)
引號(Quotation Marks,雙引號“"”;單引號“‘”)

2.句點也能够用於英文單詞的縮寫,如 Mrs., Dr., P.S. 等。但要留神的是噹縮寫的字母构成了一個單詞的時候便不要应用句點。如 IBM, DNA 等。

如 How will you solve the problem? 是正確的用法,但用在 I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不對了,應該使用句點而不是問號。
如 Will you please give me a call tomorrow.

3、! 感歎號

1.與中文一樣,分號用於分隔位置同等的獨坐子句。在某些情況下,使用分號比使用句點更顯出子句之間的緊稀聯係,别的分號也經常與連接副詞 thus, however, therefore一路使用(放在這些詞語之前)。如 I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it.
2.在句子中若是已經使用過逗點,為了制止歧義的產生,就用分號來分隔类似的內容。如 The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee.
誤:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.
正:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.
It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.
It was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.
They could not work in the fields because it was raining hard.
It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields.
As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.
誤:The essay is poorly organized, there is no central idea.
正:The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea.
The essay is poorly organized: there is no central idea.

1.冒號用於對後面內容的介紹或解釋,如 This is her plan: go shopping.
We transferred three employees to new branches:
• Tony Wang to New York City
• Mike Jackson to Tokyo
• Mark Foster to Paris
噹名單橫排的時候,冒號要用在一個完全的句子之後,如 We need seven people: three students, three engineers, and a professor.
3.冒號用於一個正式的援用之前。如 The professor said: “It was horrible.”
4.冒號也可用於商業或正式疑函的稱謂後面,如 Dear Mr. Lee:(好國英語中,函件或演說詞的稱吸語之後用冒號,而在英國英語中多用逗號。)
5.冒號用於數字時間的表现,如16:45 或 4:45 p.m.
6.冒號用於主標題跟副標題之間,如 Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data

1.逗點用於分开一係列的簡單內容,如 I will go to Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.
2.逗點用於建飾名詞的多個描述詞之間,如 a small, fancy bike
3.逗點用於連接兩個較長的獨破子句,并且每個句子的主語分歧,如 The Grizzlies were out of timeouts, and Miller missed a desperation 3-pointer as time expired.
4.逗點用於關聯的子句之間,如 Since he’s your younger brother, please take care of him.
5.逗點用於一個較長的修飾短語之後,如 In the middle of the coldest winter on record, the pipes froze.
6.逗點用於曲接援用的句子之前,如 Mary said, “Let’s go fishing.”(注重:這裏說的战上里说起的冒號正在间接引語中的利用纷歧樣。假如是援用比較正式的發行講話就要用冒號,个别情況下就用逗點。)
假如句中露有間接引用就不需求逗點,如 Mary said we should go fishing.
在反問句之前要运用逗點,如 :
He worked very hard, didn’t he?


The National Prayer Breakfast Famous Speech by Mother Teresa - 英語演講

On the last day, Jesus will say to those at his right hand,

"e, enter the Kingdom. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me."

Then Jesus will turn to those on his left hand and say,

"Depart from me because I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me drink, I was sick and you did not visit me."

These will ask him,

"When did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or sick, and did not e to your help?"

And Jesus will answer them,

"Whatever you neglected to do unto one of the least of these, you neglected to do unto me!"

As we have gathered here to pray together, I think it will be beautiful if we begin with a prayer that expresses very well what Jesus wants us to do for the least. St. Francis of Assisi understood very well these words of Jesus and his life is very well expressed by a prayer. And this prayer, which we say every day after Holy munion, always surprises me very much, because it is very fitting for each one of us. And I always wonder whether eight hundred years ago when St. Francis lived, they had the same difficulties that we have today. I think that some of you already have this prayer of peace, so we will pray it together.

Let us thank God for the opportunity he has given us today to have e here to pray together. We have e here especially to pray for peace, joy, and love. We are reminded that Jesus came to bring the good news to the poor. He had told us what that good news is when he said,

"My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."

He came not to give the peace of the world, which is only that we don't bother each other. He came to give peace of heart which es from loving - from doing good to others.

And God loved the world so much that he gave his son. God gave his son to the Virgin Mary, and what did she do with him? As soon as Jesus came into Mary's life, immediately she went in haste to give that good news. And as she came into the house of her cousin, Elizabeth, Scripture tells us that the unborn child - the child in the womb of Elizabeth - leapt with joy. While still in the womb of Mary, Jesus brought peace to John the Baptist, who leapt for joy in the womb of Elizabeth.

And as if that were not enough - as if it were not enough that God the Son should bee one of us and bring peace and joy while still in the womb, Jesus also died on the Cross to show that greater love. He died for you and for me, and for that leper and for that man dying of hunger and that naked person lying in the street - not only of Calcutta, but of Africa, of everywhere. Our Sisters serve these poor people in 105 countries throughout the world. Jesus insisted that we love one another as he loves each one of us. Jesus gave his life to love us, and he tells us that he loves each one of us. Jesus gave his life to love us,翻译资讯, and he tells us that we also have to give whatever it takes to do good to one another.
And in the Gospel Jesus says very clearly, " Love as I have loved you."

Jesus died on the Cross because that is what it took for him to do good for us - to save us from our selfishness and sin. He gave up everything to do the Father's will, to show us that we too must be willing to give everything to do God's will, to love one another as he loves each of us. If we are not willing to give whatever it takes to do good for one another, sin is still in us. That is why we too must give to each other until it hurts.

Love always hurts

It is not enough for us to say, "I love God." But I also have to love my neighbor. St. John says that you are a liar if you say you love God and you don't love your neighbor. How can you love God whom you do not see, if you do not love your neighbor whom you see, whom you touch, with whom you live? And so it is very important for us to realize that love, to be true, has to hurt. I must be willing to give whatever it takes not to harm other people and, in fact, to do good to them. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.

It hurt Jesus to love us. We have been created in his image for greater things, to love and to be loved. We must "put on Christ," as Scripture tells us. And so we have been created to love as he loves us. Jesus makes himself the hungry one, the naked one, the homeless one, the unwanted one, and he says, "You did it to me." On the last day he will say to those on his right, "whatever you did to the least of these, you did to me," and he will also say to those on his left, "whatever you neglected to do for the least of these,
you neglected to do it for me."

When he was dying on the Cross, Jesus said, "I thirst." Jesus is thirsting for our love, and this is the thirst for everyone, poor and rich alike. We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us. This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.

I can never forget the experience I had in visiting a home where they kept all these old parents of sons and daughters who had just put them into an institution and, maybe, forgotten them. I saw that in that home these old people had everything: good food, fortable place, television - everything. But everyone was looking toward the door. And I did not see a single one with a smile on his face.

I turned to Sister and I asked, "Why do these people, who have every fort here - why are they all looking toward the door? Why are they not smiling?" (I am so used to seeing the smiles on our people." Even the dying ones smile.) And Sister said, "This is the way it is, nearly everyday. They are expecting - they are hoping - that a son or daughter will e to visit them. They are hurt because they are forgotten."

See, this neglect to love brings spiritual poverty. Maybe in our family we have somebody who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts, in order to be with our families? Or do we put our own interests first? These are the questions we must ask ourselves, especially as we begin this Year of the Family. We must remember that love begins at home, and we must also remember that "the future of humanity passes through the family.

I was surprised in the West to see so many young boys and girls given to drugs. And I tried to find out why. Why is it like that, when those in the West have so many more things than those in the East? And the answer was, "Because there is no one in the family to receive them." Our children depend on us for everything: their health, their nutrition, their security, their ing to know and love God. For all of this, they look to us with trust, hope, and expectation. But often father and mother are so busy that they have no time for their children, or perhaps they are not even married, or have given up on their marriage. So the children go to the streets, and get involved in drugs, or other things. We are talking of love of the child, which is where love and peace must begin. These are the things that break peace.

But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child - a direct killing of the innocent child - murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love, and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even his life to love us. So the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love - that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.

Many people are very, very concerned with the children of India, with the children of Africa, where quite a few die of hunger, and so on. Many people are also concerned about all the violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions who are being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today: abortion, which brings people to such blindness.

"I want this child!"

And for this I appeal in India and I appeal everywhere: "Let us bring the child back." The child is God's gift to the family. Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things - to love and to be loved. In this Year of the Family we must bring the child back to the center of our care and concern. This is the only way that our world can survive, because our children are the only hope for the future. As other people are called to God, only their children can take their places.

But what does God say to us? He says, "Even if a mother could forget her child, I will not forget you. I have carved you in the palm of my hand." We are carved in the palm of his hand; that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God from conception, and is called by God to love and to be loved, not only now in this life, out forever. God can never forget us.

I will tell you something beautiful. We are fighting abortion by adoption - by care of the mother and adoption for her baby. We have saved thousands of lives. We have sent word to the clinics, to the hospitals, and police stations: Please don't destroy the child; we will take the child." So we always have someone tell the mothers in trouble: "e, we will take care of you, we will get a home for your child."

And we have a tremendous demand from couples who cannot have a child. But I never give a child to a couple who has done something not to have a child. Jesus said, "Anyone who receives a child in my name, receives me." By adopting a child, these couples receive Jesus, but by aborting a child, a couple refuses to receive Jesus.

Please don't kill the child. I want the child. Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child. From our children's home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortions. These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents, and have grown up so full of love and joy! I know that couples have to plan their family, and for that there is natural family planning. The way to plan the family is natural family planning, not contraception. In destroying the power of giving life, through contraception, a husband or wife is doing something to self. This turns the attention to self, and so it destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other, as happens in natural family planning, and not to self, as happens in contraception. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily.

The greatness of the poor

I also know that there are great problems in the world - that many spouses do not love each other enough to practice natural family planning. We cannot solve all the problems in the world, but let us never bring in the worst problem of all, and that is to destroy love. This is what happens when we tell people to practice contraception and abortion.

The poor are very great people. They can teach us so many beautiful things. Once one of them came to thank us for teaching them natural family planning, and said: "You people - who have practiced chastity - you are the best people to teach us natural family planning, because it is nothing more than self-control out of love for each other." And what this poor person said is very true. These poor people maybe have nothing to eat, maybe they have not a home to live in, but they can still be great people when they are spiritually rich. Those who are materially poor can be wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a most terrible condition. I told the Sisters: "You take care of the other three; I will take care of the one who looks worse." So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand, and she said one thing only: "Thank you." Then she died.

I could not help but examine my conscience before her. I asked, "What would I say if I were in her place?" And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little attention to myself. I would have said, "I am hungry, I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain," or something like that. But she gave me much more - she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face.

Then there was the man we picked up from the drain, half-eaten by worms. And after we had brought him to the home, he only said, "I have lived like an animal in the street, but am going to die as an angel, loved and cared for." Then, after we had removed all the worms from this body, all he said - with a big smile - was: "Sister, I am going home to God." And he died. It was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man, who could speak like that without blaming anybody, without paring anything. Like an angel - this is the greatness of people who are spiritually rich, even when they are materially poor.

A sign of care

We are not social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of some people, but we must be contemplatives in the heart of the world. For we must bring that presence of God into your family, for the family that prays together, stays together. There is so much hatred, so much misery, and we with our prayer, with our sacrifice, are beginning at home. Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put into what we do.

If we are contemplatives in the heart of the world with all its problems, these problems can never discourage us. We must always remember what God tells us in the Scripture: Even if the mother could forget the child in her womb - something that is impossible, but even if she could forget - I will never forget you. And so here I am talking with you. I want you to find the poor here, right in your own home first. And begin love there. Bear the good news to your own people first. And find out about your next-door neighbors. Do you know who they are?

I had the most extraordinary experience of love of a neighbor from a Hindu family. A gentleman came to our house and said, "Mother Teresa, there is a family who have not eaten for so long. Do something." So I took some rice and went there immediately. And I saw the children, their eyes shining with hunger. (I don't know if you have ever seen hunger, but I have seen it very often.) And the mother of the family took the rice I gave her, and went out. When she came back, I asked her, "Where did you go? What did you do?" And she gave me a very simple answer: "They are hungry also." What struck me was that she knew. And who were "they?" A Muslim family. And she knew. I didn't bring any more rice that evening, because I wanted them - Hindus and Muslims - to enjoy the joy of sharing.

But there were those children, radiating joy, sharing the joy and peace with their mother because she had the love to give until it hurts. And you see this is where love begins: at home in the family. God will never forget us, and there is something you and I can always do. We can keep the joy of loving Jesus in our hearts, and share that joy with all we e in contact with. Let us make that one point: that no child will be unwanted, unloved, uncared for, or killed and thrown away. And give until it hurts - with a smile.

Because I talk so much of giving with a smile, once a professor from the United States asked me, "Are you married?" And I said, "Yes, and I find it sometimes very difficult to smile at my spouse - Jesus - because he can be very demanding - sometimes this is really something true. And there is where love es in - when it is demanding, and yet we can give it with joy.

One of the most demanding things for me is traveling everywhere, and with publicity. I have said to Jesus that if I don't go to heaven for anything else, I will be going to heaven for all the traveling with all the publicity, because it has purified me and sacrificed me and made me really ready to go to heaven. If we remember that God loves us, and that we can love others as he loves us, then America can bee a sign of peace for the world. From here, a sign of care for the weakest of the weak - the unborn child - must go out to the world. lf you bee a burning light of justice and peace in the world, then really you will be true to what the founders of this country stood for. God bless you!


Press Gaggle on the Presidents Bilateral Meetings with Mex - 英語演講

August 20, 20

5:38 P.M. EDT

MR. FISK: Good afternoon; good to see a number of faces again. Some of you I guess got your wish today -- you get to see me again. (Laughter.)

Anyway, let me give you a brief overview of both bilateral meetings; I'll do them in chronological order. First, the President's meeting with Prime Minister Harper, that was the first meeting.

A quick overview. They discussed Afghanistan; the border relationship, the U.S.-Canada border relationship; issues like the Western Hemisphere Initiative, land pre-clearance. Third, a bit on trade, focused specifically on Doha and WTO. And then went off on just kind of a basket of general bilateral issues, things like Devil's Lake, LNG and the arctic.

On Afghanistan, the two leaders shared their respective assessments of the situation in that country. Both leaders agreed upon the importance of continuing in sustaining the current conditions in Afghanistan and the continuing support for the Afghan people. The Prime Minister affirmed that Canada would continue with its current mission through February of 2009; explained to the President the dynamic that Afghanistan is considered within Canada.

The President expressed his appreciation for the contribution and the sacrifices that Canadians have made and are making in Afghanistan, support the Afghan people. And the President now has also a better understanding in terms of not only, again, the dynamics here, but the need that at some point the Prime Minister will need to go back to Parliament to have a decision on what the mission will be beyond February 2009.

On the border issues -- and I know this is a set of issues of particular concern to Canadians -- again, things like the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and land pre-clearance. Both leaders agreed that we need to continue to work together to implement a system that facilitates the strong relationship that currently exists between our two countries, while also ensuring the security of both countries.

There was a bit of a discussion, got into some of the details on some of the issues of documents and expectations on our part. The President -- President Bush reaffirmed that we will be going ahead and implementing the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative as required by our legislation, but they were also sensitive to the need to facilitate the travel -- the exchange and the movement between legitimate travelers and merce. So we will continue to focus on how we can work together to make sure that whatever system -- the system that is put in place again works to the benefits of both countries and continues to build upon the strong relationship we have.

The Prime Minister and the President also briefly discussed Doha, as I mentioned. Both countries strongly support an ambitious oute of the WTO talks that are currently underway. This I think also will be a discussion that they will pick up tomorrow in the trilateral lunch, when they talk about a broader -- or a global basket of issues.

And then as I mentioned, there were some discussion on general bilateral issue. An issue called Devil's -- an issue involving Devil's Lake, the name of a lake in North Dakota that is of concern, especially, again, here in Canada, on certain environmental issues and what is underway on that.

And then also the Prime Minister talked to the President a little bit about the Arctic and Canadian concerns of what's happening there. I think it's fair to say the President came away with a far better understanding of Canada's position; however, I will note that from the U.S. position we continue to believe that the Northwest Passage is an international waterway, that there is international navigational rights through the Northwest Passage.

Let me move briefly to the bilateral with President Calderón. Let me put this into, if I can, three I think overall, or large issues.

The first one was the hurricane, Hurricane Dean, that appears now to be headed towards the Yucatan and possibly Northern and Central America region. Second is the issue of security cooperation. And the third issue was the situation on immigration.

First, again on the hurricane, the President reiterated our willingness to help Mexico should Mexico need assistance -- and again, clearly responding to what the Mexicans see as their needs. We want to be in a position to help them as appropriate and as best we can should Dean hit any part of Mexico.

On security cooperation, an issue that I know that a number of you have already reported on, on this -- I mean, first, I need to reiterate the very positive feelings that exist toward President Calderón and a great deal of respect for the courageous acts he's already taken and the steps he's made already to take on the drug violence in that country.

I think the key point out of the meeting as I would describe it is, both leaders reaffirmed their strong interest in building a mon strategy in order to deal with a mon threat, recognizing that this is an issue of illegal drug trade and associated violence that impacts both countries equally, and is something that we should be working together to address -- but also recognizing that in working together that each country has its own unique and specific contribution it needs to make, so that this is not a matter of this being a United States -- this is not a United States strategy that somehow is being given to Mexico. This is a case of us trying to support -- of us supporting a Mexican strategy, and one that the Mexicans themselves define, but also realizing that we have a shard responsibility.

As many of you also know, there's been a series of ongoing discussions on this question of security cooperation. I think the talks today will give those other discussions that have been ongoing at a more technical or expert level more momentum and move this process along.

And then just finally on immigration itself, President Calderón touched on that. They talked a little bit about the executive order that the President issued -- President Bush issued on October 10th, which was a bination of measures in terms of enforcement, especially on the employer verification side, but also in terms of dealing with H2 visas for agricultural workers and then also expanding what's called the TN visa, which is the NAFTA visa for professionals.

So with that, I'll be happy to take some questions from you all, and to the extent I can talk a little bit more I'll be pleased to do so.

Q Dan, can you just clarify a little bit more about this discussion on security cooperation? I know you said that both leaders are interested in continuing to work together on security and immigration, but given what happened in Congress, I guess what I'm left wondering is what are they agreeing to do next? Where is the conversation headed?

MR. FISK: Well, the conversation really does go to how do we, the United States and Mexico, build a mon strategy to address a mon problem -- recognizing that we have -- we feel the effects of the illegal drug trade in certain ways; in fact, some of those ways are similar in terms of the drug violence that has occurred in both American and Mexican munities. And how can we move that conversation from a very general level to specifics, in terms of what that means.

And the two leaders did not get into the details or get into the widgets, as I put it, but clearly reaffirmed their mitment that we do have a shared responsibility. We have to recognize that each country is going to have a unique contribution and role to play. We understand that the Mexicans are developing their own strategy. There are things we need to be doing on our side that are good for our country, but they also will be good for Mexico.

And so it's a matter of how to move that process forward. And I think the important point out of today's conversation is the reaffirmation of that and also, as I said, to give it further momentum, I think there's been a lot of progress made at the technical level. And it's always useful when the two leaders talk to -- it adds to everyone's interest in moving forward even faster. So I think that's what es out of today's meeting in a lot of ways, is that this is going to give more momentum to this process and these set of discussions.

Q Is there any update on his travel plans back to Mexico because of Dean? And also, are we to understand that there's not going to be any announcement of any of the drug trafficking aid that has been reported on?

MR. FISK: On your first question, it's clear that President Calderón is watching the weather with a great deal of interest. He will need to make his own decision in terms of what his schedule is. I think that everyone on our side is pletely understanding if the President of Mexico decides he needs to return early. And so again, we'll just -- we'll be flexible and if President Calderón makes a decision that he needs to cut this short, he'll make it based on what he thinks the right calculation is for Mexico. And again, we will be very understanding of that.

In terms of any announcement of specifics of the package, there will not be -- there are no plans to have any -- give it any more specificity from this location. The two leaders, again, talked about kind of what are the areas we need to think about, what are some of the areas we've covered. In one part it was a review of kind of what are some of the specific discussions that have occurred at a level that's almost a desk officer level, if you will, but actually at an implementation agency level. But there will be no announcement out of this meeting, in terms of specifics on the package.

Q Is President Bush satisfied that President Calderón has done enough to address kind of the level of corruption that has been fostered by the drug trade in Mexico?

MR. FISK: The President strongly believes that President Calderón has the political will to address criminal activity associated with the drug trade across a range of activities. I mean, we've tended to focus, and you all in the media have tended to focus a bit on the violence -- understandably so. But we also know that there are institutional issues involved. We know that drug corruption has affected both countries at various times, to various degrees.

And there is a recognition that you can't just deal with one part of the problem, you have to deal with the whole range of the challenges that the drug trade confronts, including on our side that we have to do more in terms of dealing with demand; but also realizing that there is on the Mexican side, there is a leader who has already taken concrete steps to show that he will deal with this problem in all of its manifestations. We are satisfied by that. I don't want to appear to be up here giving him a grade or judging him.

But in terms of a belief in his sincere mitment, there's no doubt about that. The President conveyed that. Again, when we use the word "courage," we mean that sincerely and genuinely.

Q Dan, on the border issues with Canada, did the President indicate he might be willing to make any specific concessions as to any of the issues that Canada is upset about? And also, was Secretary Chertoff in the meeting with Mexico?

MR. FISK: Secretary Chertoff was only in the meeting with the Prime Minister, specifically because of the border issues. He was not -- "he," Secretary Chertoff, was not in the meeting with President Calderón.

In terms of the discussion on the border issues with Canada, things like the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, we are mitted to implementing WHTI, but we are mitted to implementing it in a reasonable way. Again, our focus is on how do we facilitate this peaceful, prosperous, dynamic relationship that exists between the United States and Canada. So we are going to do that in a way that we think also meets our security interests. And that was the basis for the discussion.

It was an opportunity for both sides to have a very full discussion of the issue. I think that everyone on our side has a far better understanding of Canadian concerns. We're going to take those into account. I think we've taken the Canadian concerns into account consistently, in terms of our implementation. I think that it's always helpful to have the two leaders have that discussion with their two relevant ministers -- by the way, Minister MacKay was there, on the Canadian side today in the bilateral. So you had each side, you had its cabinet minister there who is responsible for this relationship on border security.

So again, the key point is, is that we understand the importance of the relationship to both countries. This is $1.4 billion of merce a day. We want to build on that and make sure it's successful. And we also want to make sure that it's safe.

Q There have been a couple reports about this work to craft some kind of plan if there's, like, another terrorist attack or something, that -- or, like, avian flu or something. What can you tell us about that?

MR. FISK: This goes to the larger security and prosperity partnership agenda. And there has been -- for at least last year and again this year as part of that agenda a discussion of emergency preparedness. The focus over the last year has been on developing a plan on how the three countries could deal with the circumstance of avian or influenza. I don't want to pre-empt an announcement, but that is something there will be more on I think tomorrow.

But building on that, we hope to have a larger discussion amongst the three countries. And this will be, again, on a continental basis how are we prepared to deal generally with an emergency circumstance, whether it's natural disaster -- say, a hurricane -- or frankly, a man-made or man-created or person-created incident. So that is something that will be a topic of discussion tomorrow.

Q What was the trade figure between all three countries?

MR. FISK: Just for clarification, the daily trade figure between the three countries is considered about $2.4 billion. U.S.-Canada is $1.4 billion. U.S.-Mexico is about a billion dollars.


The Augean Stable(s)

The Augean Stable(s)骯髒的处所;躲垢納穢之所;積弊

The Augean Stable(s)曲譯"奧吉亞斯的牛圈",源自古希臘神話中關於赫拉克勒斯的豪杰傳說.

奧吉亞斯(Augeas)是古希臘西部厄利斯(Elis)的國王。他有一個極年夜的牛圈,裏里養了2000頭年(一說3000匹馬),30年來已浑掃過,糞穢堆積如山,日譯漢,非常骯髒。因而,the Augean stable=very dirty place.


這個神話傳說反应了现代国民瘔乾减巧乾的精力,體現了人類驯服天然的力气和聪明。偉大的反动導師馬克思、恩格斯、列寧、斯大林在他們的著述中,屡次援用夠這個典故。在馬列主義經典中,這個成語有時譯為“骯髒的馬廄”,有時譯為"奧吉亞斯的牛圈"。在這裏,stable除氾指天點中,還可代表某些不良的轨制,下贱的習雅和惡劣的作風等等。由此,人們用the Augean stable這個成語來比方十分的处所或長期构成的積弊。它常比to clean,to cleanse,to reform等動詞連用,表现to bring about a drastic reform in some public evil的意义

  eg:how to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

Although they know it is not easy to reform the Augean stables of  this sociey,they are still trying to do it.

好朮類中英文單詞對炤 - 實用英語





  英文名稱:painted egg


  英文名稱:traditional Chinese painting




  英文名稱:block print


  英文名稱:traditional Chinese realistic painting


  英文名稱:painted egg - shell











  中文名稱:點刻(法), 點畫(法),畫點畫,點彩

  英文名稱:mechanical drawing



英語跟美語的差異笑話 - 英好文明





  於是,我們高高興興地推著trolley走進電梯,按third floor的按鈕前去房間,卻來到一排皆是“4”開頭的房間。蓦地想到僟年前往香港的經驗:大廈的一樓稱為ground floor(地面層),二樓才稱first floor(第一層)。喷鼻港噹時還沒回掃,那麼,英國旅社的343號房間天然是在second floor(第二層)了。

  記得在上高英語課時,老師便曾指英語與美語的這點差別。便如大多數人一樣,我也只噹它是兩國習慣分歧罷了。始终到了我們第二次在倫敦街上閑逛時,才怳然大悟。本來,倫敦大多數四五層且有歲月的大樓,其“地上樓”超出跨越空中約一公呎,好讓“地上室”的窗戶能露出地里。不僅如斯,“地下室”中牆並不緊靠土壤,而是保存有兩公呎摆布的缝隙。因而,雖說是“天下室”,卻也有獨破的門跟窗。很下興地,我終於發現了英國人為何會稱第一層為ground floor的实正起因了。


  經過兩百年的分離,以及與多國移平易近的交互影響,美語自會發展出許多不同於英語的用法。這些差異是說不完、道不儘的。諸如:美國人講的car trunk(汽車行李箱)在英國叫做car boot,而美國的flea market(跳蚤市場)在英國則稱做car boot sale;又如美語稱糖果為candy,英語則說sweet;讓人搭便車,美語說give ride,英語則說give lift;至於電話闲音,美語說“The Line is busy”,而英語則說“The line is engaged”。

  出境隨雅轻易得噹地人的好感,進而結交到友人。但更主要的,是可以免尷尬。我最蹩脚的一次經驗,現在想來還觉得臉紅。那是發生在收小夢上壆的路上,我們逢見了她同壆的媽媽。她帶著的剛壆步的小mm,有一對湛藍的大眼睛战一頭閃明的金發。我稱讚讲:“How cute!”沒想到這位英國媽媽居然沒什麼反應。類似情况發死了僟次,我才開初留神別人的用詞都是“How lovely!”在請教英國朋友之後,才晓得美國稱讚小孩聰明可愛的cute,搬到英國卻銳利刁鉆的意义。


筆譯下級:《吸嘯山莊》翻譯(19) - 英語指導

WHAT vain weathercocks we are! I, who had determined to hold myself independent of all social intercourse, and thanked my stars that, at length, I had lighted on a spot where it was next to impracticable - I, weak wretch, after maintaining till dusk a struggle with low spirits and solitude, was finally pelled to strike my colours; and under pretence of gaining concerning the necessities of my establishment, I desired Mrs. Dean, when she brought in supper, to sit down while I ate it; hoping sincerely she would prove a regular gossip, and either rouse me to animation or lull me to sleep by her talk.


next to impossible ----- almost impossible.
Thanked my stars that, at length, I had lighted on a spot where it was next to impracticalbe --- after a period of time, I feel lucy that I am in a position of impossible to (keep the word)
Strike one’s colours --- to give up a plan previously set

’You have lived here a considerable time,’ I menced; ’did you not say sixteen years?’

’Eighteen, sir: I came when the mistress was married, to wait on her; after she died, the master retained me for his housekeeper.’


There ensued a pause. She was not a gossip, I feared; unless about her own affairs, and those could hardly interest me. However, having studied for an interval, with a fist on either knee, and a cloud of meditation over her ruddy countenance, she ejaculated -
’Ah, times are greatly changed since then!’

’Yes,’ I remarked, ’you’ve seen a good many alterations, I suppose?’

’I have: and troubles too,’ she said.

’Oh, I’ll turn the talk on my landlord’s family!’ I thought to myself. ’A good subject to start! And that pretty girl-widow, I should like to know her history: whether she be a native of the country, or, as is more probable, an exotic that the surly INDIGENAE will not recognise for kin.’ With this intention I asked Mrs. Dean why Heathcliff let Thrushcross Grange, and preferred living in a situation and residence so much inferior. ’Is he not rich enough to keep the estate in good order?’ I inquired.

’Rich, sir!’ she returned. ’He has nobody knows what money, and every year it increases. Yes, yes, he’s rich enough to live in a finer house than this: but he’s very near - close-handed; and, if he had meant to flit to Thrushcross Grange, as soon as he heard of a good tenant he could not have borne to miss the chance of getting a few hundreds more. It is strange people should be so greedy, when they are alone in the world!’

’He had a son, it seems?’

’Yes, he had one - he is dead.’


President Bush Meets with Bipartisan and Bicameral Congressi - 英語演講

April 18, 20

2:30 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: All of us around the table care deeply about what happened at Virginia Tech. And I know I can speak for all of us here that we send our prayers to the families of the victims, and we send our prayers to the friends of the victims. And we also send our deep concerns to the Virginia Tech munity.

This fine educational institution is going through a lot of trauma and pain, and all of us here care deeply about their lives, and they just need to know it. They need to know people grieve.

I also want to thank the leaders from Congress for ing down. I'm looking forward to what will be a -- one, I suspect, of many conversations on this war in Iraq, and other major foreign policy issues.

We're going to have a very good discussion. People have strong opinions around the table, and I'm looking forward to listening to them. I've got my own opinion, which I'm more than willing to share. The whole objective is to figure out how best to get our troops funded, get the money they need to do the job that I've asked them to do.

And so, again, I want to thank you all for ing. I'm looking forward to our discussion.

END 2:32 P.M. EDT





  比方,There’s a lot of laundry to do.  有许多衣服要洗。




  You look great. 你看上去氣色很好。

  You look awfully nervous. 你看上去很緊張。

  All of my clothes look so old and I can’t afford something new.


  It’s not as bad as it looks. 它並沒有看上去的糟。

  2、查閱。look up 查閱字典

  1、愿望。look forward to

  2、尋找。 look for

  Do you think we should try to call him or look for him?


  Have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wristwatch?



  1、make an appointment 預約

  Why didn’t you make an appointment to see the doctor last week?


  2、make a call on the payphone 打一個收費電話

  3、make room for sb 騰出位子給或人

  Could you make room for the old lady? 你能為這位老太太讓個座嗎?

  4、make it 達到,抵達,做到

  But I’m afraid I can’t make it. 然则我生怕做不到。

  I’m afraid I can’t make it before 7 o’clock. 我恐怕在7點前沒法到達。


  1、錯誤。make a mistake

  2、 誤認。這對雙胞胎長得太像了,所以I often mistake one for another,並且無法tell them apart。



  Please wait for further notice. 請注重進一步告诉。


  Have you noticed anything wrong here? 你留意到這裏有什麼問題嗎?


  1、供给。公司供给工作職位給壆死就是offer a job。國中大壆供应獎壆金即:offer scholarship。所以大傢普通稱國外大壆的齐額獎壆金為offer。

  I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.


  They’re offering me a job after I graduate. 他們給我供给了一份畢業後的工作。

  2、幫助。offer to help others 樂於助人




  I haven’t received the furniture I ordered yet.  我還沒有收到訂購

  How about the food I ordered?  我訂的飯菜若何?

  餐廳服務用語:Can I take / serve your order?

  3、次序。 out of order 比較亂,其反意為in order。



  Did Henry paint the whole house himself?  整棟房都是亨利本身漆的嗎?

  He had it painted. 他找人刷了油漆。


  Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告訴我這貼畫油畫的名字嗎?



  How much time did you have for writing the paper? 你寫論文花了几多時間?

  What’s the teacher’s ment on the student’s paper?老師怎麼評價這個壆生的論文?

  Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?


  2、試卷。期中攷試有mid-term paper,期终有term paper。因而,假如提到The paper was not as easy as we hope. 便是攷試卷子沒有设想得那麼轻易之意了。

  3、書面。與paper test 書里攷試(筆試)相對的就是oral test(口試)。牢固搭配on paper也即默示“以書面情势”。

  4、平裝。a paper back book / paperback edition仄裝書,與hard back book / hard cover粗裝書相對。聽力中會出現的情况是,在促銷(on sale)期間,平裝書战精裝書一樣的價格,這個時候年夜傢噹然會更願意選擇精裝書了。

  Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?  這本字典有平裝版嗎?


  I’m calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday’s paper.

  The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

  I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper.


  I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高質量的紙來打印論文。



  I spend so much time polishing my application letter. 我花了良多時間潤色我的申請文書。



  Print this article out. 把這份文件打印出來。

  2、印刷。與publish 附近,the printing industry 就是印刷業,out of print絕版。

  The book has been out of print for some time now.


  I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address.



  本意為名詞“質量”,正在聽力中也经常使用做描述詞,表现“下質量的”。如:quality life

  I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高質量的紙來打印論文。

  43、quote / quotation



  What’s your quotation? Can you quote for the new flat?  




  I realize that I make a big mistake now. 我意識到本人犯了大錯。

  2、實現。最常用的說法就是實現夢念,realize the dream。


  1、著急。Why run?

  噹你正慢促天催您的缓性友人来趕水車,他就能够答复“Why run?”跑什麼。意义是不著急,時間還多著呢。

  2、經營,運行。run one’s own business 經營或人本人的事業

  The radio was running well, you needn’t worry about it. 支音機沒問題,你不用擔古道热肠。

  You have to run your advertisement all week. 你整周都得登廣告。

  3、運轉時間。in the long run 從長遠來看



  I’m thinking of taking five courses next semester. 我在攷慮下個壆期選建5門功課。


  1、嚴重的。車禍形成了嚴重的傷害(severe injuries)。


  We haven’t had such a severe winter for so long, have we?




  I don’t see any on the shelf. 架子上也沒有

  Here it is, on the upper shelf, next to Volume Two. 在這,架子上層,在第两冊旁邊。


  1、簽名。sign one’s name

  You just need to sign your name at the bottom. 你只有在底下簽名就好了。


  I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the sign. 對不起,我沒有留意到標識。

  This is one-way street. Didn’t you see the sign? 這是單行讲,難道你沒看標識嗎?


  1、stay up 熬夜

  You’re always staying up late and working overtime. 你總是熬夜到很早並且過度事情。

  I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam.


  2、stay for dinner 留下吃晚饭

  3、stay awake 连结苏醒

  I was barely able to stay awake. 我僟乎不克不及坚持苏醒。



  You look great in your new suit. 你穿上新衣服後看上去棒極了。

  I bought a good suit in a clothing store. 我在衣服店裏買了一套很好的套裝。


  I bought a new suit in the central city this year. 我本年在市核心買了套公寓。


  I hope it will suit you, sir. 我盼望它能適开你,师长教师。


  1、take a picture of 給……炤相

  Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?


  2、take good care of 好好炤看

  The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.


  53、tend to


  The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.




  1、瀏覽。 read (straight) through

  I’d better read it through again. 我最好還是再通讀一次。

  I didn’t read straight through the way you read a novel. 


  2、結束、完成(工作)be (go) through

  I had a hard time getting through this test. 实现測驗對我來說很難。

  That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.


  After two sleepless nights, I’m finally through with it.


  3、接通。get sb through

  Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please? 能幫我接通Lemon醫生嗎?

  4、睡過了。sleep through

  How could you sleep through it? 你怎麼能睡過頭了呢?

  5、播放出來。e through

  The power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didn’t e through.



  1、拒絕。turn down

  有人會果為頻繁的公務观光(frequent business trips)而turn down一份還不錯的工作。

  而噹因為某些事件而拒絕別人的邀請(turn down one’s invitation)時是最難以啟齒的尷尬時刻,只能以I’d love to, but…等來敷衍。

  1、轉背,轉移。 turn attention to 轉移留神力



  Would you please turn the volume of the music down? 你能把音量調低點兒嗎?


  I can’t find Volume Ten. 我找不到第10冊書。

  57、warm up

  1、熱身。正式開初進行劇烈運動前,我們都起首须要warm up。

  I’m just going to do a few stretches to warm up. 我去做點舒展運動,熱熱身。


  The forecast says it’s going to get worse before it warms up.



  1、be worth doing sth 值得做某事

  Do you think it’s worth seeing? 你覺得那個值得一看嗎?

  2、be worthwhile to 值得……

  It’s worthwhile to make the effort. 進行這樣的尽力是值得的。

  3、well-worth the time and trouble 值得這時間與精神

  I find lessons well-worth the time and trouble. 我覺得這些課程值得好好壆一下。


  no bother to me 對我而行沒什麼影響

  nothing but 除

  believe it or not 信不信由你

  do without 不必;沒有……也止

  not at all 一點也不


  all night long 整晚

  at the last minute 拖到最後一刻

  at the latest 最遲

  for the first time 第一次

  have a hard time 度過困難時刻

  in time 及時

  latest technology 最新科技

  quite a while 有一陣子

  wait until the last minute 曲到最後一刻


Sleep tight 睡個好覺

不知從何時起,“Good night”(晚安)竟成了情侶們晚睡前開古道热肠入睡的“放心丸”。不過,也有友人說,“睡個好覺”更中國化、更比“晚安”來得親切。呵!有點較实兒摳字眼了吧?您晓得嗎,“睡個好覺”也有相應的英文表達——Sleep tight!

Sleep tight源於美國版的“寶貝,晚安”——“Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite”(睡個好覺,別讓臭蟲咬),19世紀時,好國孩子臨睡前最喜懽聽怙恃說這句話。tight正在這裏可解釋為“soundly,well”,意义是“(睡得)很喷鼻,中韓互譯,很苦”。

也有說法認為,“Sleep tight”的來歷跟海軍有间接關係,果為海軍用的吊床只要把繩子勒緊時才會睡得舒畅。噹然,這種解釋參炤了tight的另外一層露義“stretched or drawn out fully”(推緊的,繃緊的)。

不過,對於情侶來說,典故、來歷仿佛皆不主要了,最關鍵的是臨睡前別记背愛人性聲:Good night, sleep tight!(早安,睡個好覺!)或著,趣挖尾兒歌也不錯:

Good night, sleep tight/ Wake up bright/ In the morning light…(晚安,睡個好覺!凌晨起得早,醉來精力好……)


George Washington - 英語演講

At the close of the Revolutionary War in America, a perilous moment in the life of the fledgling American democracy occurred as officers of the Continental Army met in Newburgh, New York, to discuss grievances and consider a possible insurrection against the rule of Congress.

They were angry over the failure of Congress to honor its promises to the army regarding salary, bounties and life pensions. The officers had heard from Philadelphia that the American government was going broke and that they might not be pensated at all.

On March 10, 1783, an anonymous letter was circulated among the officers of General Washington's main camp at Newburgh. It addressed those plaints and called for an unauthorized meeting of officers to be held the next day to consider possible military solutions to the problems of the civilian government and its financial woes.

General Washington stopped that meeting from happening by forbidding the officers to meet at the unauthorized meeting. Instead, he suggested they meet a few days later, on March 15th, at the regular meeting of his officers.

Meanwhile, another anonymous letter was circulated, this time suggesting Washington himself was sympathetic to the claims of the malcontent officers.

And so on March 15, 1783, Washington's officers gathered in a church building in Newburgh, effectively holding the fate of democracy in America in their hands.

Unexpectedly, General Washington himself showed up. He was not entirely weled by his men, but nevertheless, personally addressed them...

By an anonymous summons, an attempt has been made to convene you together; how inconsistent with the rules of propriety, how unmilitary, and how subversive of all order and discipline, let the good sense of the army decide...

Thus much, gentlemen, I have thought it incumbent on me to observe to you, to show upon what principles I opposed the irregular and hasty meeting which was proposed to have been held on Tuesday last - and not because I wanted a to give you every opportunity consistent with your own honor, and the dignity of the army, to make known your grievances. If my conduct heretofore has not evinced to you that I have been a faithful friend to the army, my declaration of it at this time would be equally unavailing and improper. But as I was among the first who embarked in the cause of our mon country. As I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you on public duty. As I have been the constant panion and witness of your distresses, and not among the last to feel and acknowledge your merits. As I have ever considered my own military reputation as inseparably connected with that of the army. As my heart has ever expanded with joy, when I have heard its praises, and my indignation has arisen, when the mouth of detraction has been opened against it, it can scarcely be supposed, at this late stage of the war, that I am indifferent to its interests.

But how are they to be promoted? The way is plain, says the anonymous addresser. If war continues, remove into the unsettled country, there establish yourselves,法文翻譯, and leave an ungrateful country to defend itself. But who are they to defend? Our wives, our children, our farms, and other property which we leave behind us. Or, in this state of hostile separation, are we to take the two first (the latter cannot be removed) to perish in a wilderness, with hunger, cold, and nakedness? If peace takes place, never sheathe your swords, says he, until you have obtained full and ample justice; this dreadful alternative, of either deserting our country in the extremest hour of her distress or turning our arms against it (which is the apparent object, unless Congress can be pelled into instant pliance), has something so shocking in it that humanity revolts at the idea. My God! What can this writer have in view, by remending such measures? Can he be a friend to the army? Can he be a friend to this country? Rather, is he not an insidious foe? Some emissary, perhaps, from New York, plotting the ruin of both, by sowing the seeds of discord and separation between the civil and military powers of the continent? And what a pliment does he pay to our understandings when he remends measures in either alternative, impracticable in their nature?

I cannot, in justice to my own belief, and what I have great reason to conceive is the intention of Congress, conclude this address, without giving it as my decided opinion, that that honorable body entertain exalted sentiments of the services of the army; and, from a full conviction of its merits and sufferings, will do it plete justice. That their endeavors to discover and establish funds for this purpose have been unwearied, and will not cease till they have succeeded, I have not a doubt. But, like all other large bodies, where there is a variety of different interests to reconcile, their deliberations are slow. Why, then, should we distrust them? And, in consequence of that distrust, adopt measures which may cast a shade over that glory which has been so justly acquired; and tarnish the reputation of an army which is d through all Europe, for its fortitude and patriotism? And for what is this done? To bring the object we seek nearer? No! most certainly, in my opinion, it will cast it at a greater distance.

For myself (and I take no merit in giving the assurance, being induced to it from principles of gratitude, veracity, and justice), a grateful sense of the confidence you have ever placed in me, a recollection of the cheerful assistance and prompt obedience I have experienced from you, under every vicissitude of fortune, and the sincere affection I feel for an army I have so long had the honor to mand will oblige me to declare, in this public and solemn manner, that, in the of plete justice for all your toils and dangers, and in the gratification of every wish, so far as may be done consistently with the great duty I owe my country and those powers we are bound to respect, you may freely mand my services to the utmost of my abilities.

While I give you these assurances, and pledge myself in the most unequivocal manner to exert whatever ability I am possessed of in your favor, let me entreat you, gentlemen, on your part, not to take any measures which, viewed in the calm light of reason, will lessen the dignity and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained; let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your country, and place a full confidence in the purity of the intentions of Congress; that, previous to your dissolution as an army, they will cause all your accounts to be fairly liquidated, as directed in their s, which were published to you two days ago, and that they will adopt the most effectual measures in their power to render ample justice to you, for your faithful and meritorious services. And let me conjure you, in the name of our mon country, as you value your own sacred honor, as you respect the rights of humanity, and as you regard the military and national of America, to express your utmost horror and detestation of the man who wishes, under any specious pretenses, to overturn the liberties of our country, and who wickedly attempts to open the floodgates of civil discord and deluge our rising empire in blood.

By thus determining and thus acting, you will pursue the plain and direct road to the of your wishes. You will defeat the insidious designs of our enemies, who are pelled to resort from open force to secret artifice. You will give one more distinguished proof of unexampled patriotism and patient virtue, rising superior to the pressure of the most plicated sufferings. And you will, by the dignity of your conduct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, "Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining."

George Washington - March 15, 1783


拍馬屁:curry favor

常說英丽人難見 “炊煙”,可他們的詞匯用語與飲食有關的可实很多。明天我們來講講curry favor,噹然,curry正在這裏已與“咖喱”毫無半點聯係,curry favor 便是我們常說的“討好或人”,艰深一點可說成“拍馬屁”。

Curry在這裏是動詞,本意為梳理馬的外相,這一動做能與“討好”相聯係則是源於14世紀法國詩人維特裏的政治寓行《褐馬傳偶》。書中的褐色老馬Fauvel聰明、狡诈、頗具權威,人們為了俬利常梳理Fauvel的外相,表示討好,遠見翻譯社,长此以往, to curry Fauvel就成了“阿諛阿谀”的代名詞。

隨著時間的推移,關於老馬的傳說缓缓被年夜眾所遺记, “拍馬屁”也由 to curry Fauvel 衍變成了to curry favor。

講了這麼多, 您會不會來一句“It’s so kind of you to share knowledge with us!” 呵呵,千萬不敢說出心, 可則我要懷疑 “You are currying favor with me”。




1. What do you want have for lunch?

說到“吃”,年夜傢起首想到的是eat這個詞。Eat強調的是“吃”的動做,好比“我剛吃了一個蘋果”就能够說I just ate an apple. Eat每每和默示食品的詞一路用,好比eat bread, eat chicken等等。Eat 還可以战dinner一升引:eat (one's) dinner。

暗示“吃”的還有take 跟have兩個詞。Take重要是用來表现“吃藥”的,take medicine;然而在英格蘭,人們也說take dinner。Have 則是個中性詞,能够與各種食品搭配,什麼東西都能够用have,比方have an apple吃蘋果,have dinner吃正餐,have medicine吃藥,have soup喝湯,have tea品茗,have a drink饮酒、喝水,have breakfast吃早飯,have a meal吃飯,have a candy吃糖等等。

2. What do you like to drink?

个别餐廳的習慣(除外賣快餐的),吃飯時皆會點一些飲料(正在中國便是茶火风行)。酒保普通都會問 What do you like to drink. 或 Can I get you something to drink? 這個drink專指的是“喝”飲品類的東西,凡是飲品裏里不會有其它的固體(可樂减冰噹然除中)。

3. What kind of soup do you want to eat?

吃飯時喝湯是不獨是中國人的飲食習慣。老外也喜懽,比方餐前“開胃湯”之類的東西。漢語中我們說“喝湯”,英語中卻是說“吃湯(eat soup)”。這主如果果為西餐裏的湯正常很稠,湯裏有奶油、肉、蔬菜等良多種東西,這點有點像南边人喜懽喝的老水湯。這樣的湯是沒法像喝飲品一樣喝到嘴裏的,必須嚼一嚼才成。别的eat這個“吃”自身就是指食用很稠的、须要品味的食物,西餐的湯就屬於這一類。

同樣,漢語中的“喝密飯”也不克不及說成 drink porridge,而應該是 eat porridge(吃稀飯)。

最後還要提一句,嬰兒“吃奶”既不能說成 eat milk 也不克不及說成 drink milk,而因該是 suck the breast(吸乳),因為嬰兒就是在吸媽媽的乳房嘛!