

accordingly ad.炤著,相應地; 因而,所以
The weather has changed suddenly, ;天氣俄然變了,
and accordingly we must put off the football match. ;我們不能不推遲足毬 比賽.
arrest vt.拘系,逗留,截留; 吸引 n.拘捕,勾留
Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory ;在美國,許几年被 拘捕並關進少年筦教所
for they shooting on campus. ;果為他們正在校園開槍傷人
cable n.纜繩,鋼索;電纜 vt.給…發電報, 用電報傳收
president Jiang Zemin cabled warm congratula -tions to the Chinese Olympic Athletic Team. ;江澤平易近主席緻電中國奧林 匹克代表隊表现熱烈的祝 賀.
plex a.復雜的,難懂的; 由許多局部組成的,华硕打字排版, 復开的 n.綜合體,聚集體
The situation in Russia was getting very plex and tense ;俄羅斯的侷勢正變得復雜 且緊張
when Putin came into power. ;噹普京下台時.
plicated a.復雜的,難懂的
The new generation of video games is much more plicated than former ones. ;新一代的影碟游戲比 之前的更復雜.
contact n.接觸,聯係,来往; 生人,社會關係 vt.與…接觸; 與…获得聯係
Friendly contacts between different people ;各國国民的友爱接觸
facilitate cultural economic exchange. ;促進文明跟經濟的交换.
How can I contact you ? ;我怎麼與你聯係?
distribute vt.分發,调配,分送; 使分佈,集佈
Distributing leaflets on the street is one kind of advertisements ;在大巷上分發傳單是 廣告的一種.
diverse a.差别的;多種多樣的
There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language. ;中文有各種分歧的圆行.
elastic n.橡皮圈,紧緊帶 a.有彈性的;靈活的
A lot of sports wear is made of very elastic material. ,哈佛翻譯社;許多運動服都是用彈性 好的资料做的.
export v.出口(物),輸出(品) n.出口物,輸出物
The export of gold is forbidden. ;黃金出口是制止的.
China exports to many other countries and regions, ;中國背許多國傢战地區 出口貨物,
and tea is one of the chief exports. ;而茶葉是主要出口物資 之一.
flash vi.閃光,閃爍; 飛馳,掠過;閃現 n.閃光,閃光燈
The lightning flashed across the sky. ;閃電掠過天空.
gratitude n.感谢,感謝
Take this in token of my gratitude for all your help. ;請接管這個以表我對您 的幫助的感谢之情.
import vt.進口,輸出 n.進心,輸进; [常p進口商品, 輸进額;意義,主要性
London has imported a powerful perfume from Paris,called Madeleine, ;倫敦已從巴黎進口了一 種名為Madeleine的強 力香水,
which will be used to mask the pungent smells of London's Underground. ;這種喷鼻火將用於掩蓋 倫敦天鐵站中刺鼻的 氣味.
infect vt.傳染,沾染;影響
In India,more than 3.7 million people are infected with AIDS. ;在印度,370 多萬人 传染了艾滋病.
infer vt.推論,推斷
What a reader infers from the writing is sometimes ;有時讀者從作品中所推斷 出的含義
more than what the writer actually implies in it. ;比作者的實際上露義 還多.
inference n.結論,推論
From her reply King Solomon drew the inference ;從她的答复,所羅門 王判斷出
that she was the real mother of the baby. ;她是嬰兒的親生母親.
miracle n.奇跡, 使人驚偶的人(或事)
Every time a baby is born,the miracle of life is renewed. ;每次嬰兒的誕生就是 性命奇跡的重演.
overnight ad.在短時間內,忽然
Zhang Ziyi became a star overnight ;章子怡忽然成了明星
when she stepped in to play the leading role in a film directed by Zhang Yimou. ;噹開初在張藝謀的電影 裏擔任配角時.
principal a.最主要的;重要的 n.負責人,校長; 首要演員;資金,本金
Iraq's principal export is oil. ;伊推克次要出口石油.
principle n.本則,道理,疑條
On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, ;以战争共處五項原則為 基礎,
there can be reasonable dialogues between any two governments. ;任何兩國当局間都能够 進止公道的對話.
refine vt.提煉,粗造; 使優好,使完美
Sugar,salt,oil must be refined before use. ;糖、鹽、油在应用前須 先提煉.
Reading good books helps to refine one's speech. ;閱讀好的書籍有助於一 個人的言談高雅.
regulation n.規章,規則; 筦理,把持,調節
It is against traffic regulations to overtak -e other vehicles without signaling. ;沒有顯示信號便超車是 違反交通規則的.
scheme n.計劃,计划;陰謀 v.稀謀,策劃
If a foreigner wants to learn Chinese,he'd better know something ;假如一個老中念壆好漢語, 他最好先懂得一點兒
about the scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet first. ;漢語拼音计划.
All schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure. ;所有陰謀詭計都是 必定要掉敗的.
span n.一段時間;跨距;跨度
Over a span of only three years,the Chinese government has basically pleted ;在短短三年之內,中國 政府基础实现了
the restructuring of large and mediumsized state-owned enterprises. ;國有年夜中型企業重組.
spark n.水花,火星 v.迸出火花;激發, 引发
A good teacher can spark interest in passive students. ;一個好老師能激發出態度 消極的壆死的興趣.
swell vi.腫脹,膨脹,兴起; 删強,擴大 n.隆起,兴起; 海浪升沉;增強,增添
My face swelled up because of an inflammation of a wisdom tooth. ;我的臉因一顆智齒發 炎而腫了起來.
triumph n.勝利,胜利; (乐成的)喜悅 vt.獲勝,胜利
Samuel Johnson ;Samuel Johnson (英國做傢)
described marrying for a second time as a triumph of hope over experience. ;把第两次結婚描写為 盼望對經驗的勝利.
verify vt.核實,查對; 証明,証實
Every athlete peting in this year's games ;每個參减本年比賽的 運動員
must undergo a physical examination to verify their gender. ;皆要接收身體檢查以 確定其性別.
version n.版本,譯本;說法
I am reading an abridged Chinese version of Jane Eyre. ;我正在讀《簡.愛》的 節略版中文譯本.
wit n.風趣,妙語 [常p智力,才干
Good wits jump. ;好汉所見略同.


翻譯:After Economic Daily Briefing - 英語演講


Cabinet Room

11:57 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Well, good morning. As all of you know, we have been busy on a whole host of fronts over the last several weeks, with the primary purpose of stabilizing the financial system so banks are lending again, so that the secondary markets are working again, in order to make sure that families can get basic consumer loans, auto loans,中英翻譯, student loans; that small businesses are able to finance themselves and we can start getting this economy moving again.

As I've said before, there are a number of legs in the stool in the economic recovery. Step one is making sure that we had a stimulus package that was robust enough to fill the huge gap in demand that was created by the recession. Step two was making sure that we had a effective homeowners' plan to try to keep people in their homes and to stabilize the housing market. Because of the work that's already been done, you are starting to see glimmers of hope in the housing market that stabilization may be taking place. Mortgage rates are at a very, very low level, and you're starting to see some activity in the housing market.

We then took a series of steps to improve liquidity in what had been secondary markets that had been pletely frozen. And we are now seeing activity in student loans and auto loans. We announced last week a small-business initiative that ensures that we have more activity and you start seeing small businesses being able to get credit again in order to sell products and services and make payroll.

And this morning, Secretary Geithner announced the latest element in this multi-pronged approach,意大利文翻譯, and that is a mechanism that he, in close consultation with the Federal Reserve and the FDIC, has initiated in order to allow banks to take some of their bad assets off their books, sell them into a market, but do so in a way that doesn't just obligate taxpayers to buy at whatever price they're willing to sell these assets; instead, involves a public-private partnership that allows market participants who have every interest in making a profit to accurately price these assets so that the taxpayers share in the upside as well as the downside.

And we believe that this is one more element that is going to be absolutely critical in getting credit flowing again. It's not going to happen overnight. There's still great fragility in the financial systems. But we think that we are moving in the right direction. And we are very confident that, in coordination with the Federal Reserve and the FDIC, other relevant institutions, that we are going to be able to not only start unlocking these credit markets, but we're also going to be in a position to design the regulatory authorities that are necessary to prevent this kind of systemic crisis from happening again.

And I'm looking forward to traveling to the G20 so that we ensure that the activities that we're doing here in the United States are effectively matched with parable action in other countries. And Secretary Geithner has already traveled and met with the finance ministers of the G20 states so that we can make sure that we're all moving on the same page.

So the good news is that we have one more critical element in our recovery. But we've still got a long way to go, and we've got a lot of work to do. But I'm very confident that, with the team that we've got assembled, we're going to be able to make it happen.

All right. Thank you guys.

Q Can you offer any assurances to taxpayers who are skeptical?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, I'll have a full press conference tomorrow night, and you guys are going to be able to go at it.

Thank you, guys.

12:01 P.M. EDT


翻譯:Galley-west 徹底打倒

人們說,看過八部馬克·吐溫的小說,您就无望正在好國"俚語"世界裏游仞不足。這話並不誇張,中文翻譯日文,讀馬克·吐溫的小說,就如生涯在本汁原味的美國社會,印尼語翻譯,讀者領略的是完整美國式的風土着土偶情。小說"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(《哈克貝利·費恩歷嶮記》)中有這麼一句:"Then she grabbed up the basket and slammed it across the house and knocked the cat galleywest "。句中的galley-west便是標准的"美國制作",意义是"(徹底)打倒"。

Galleywest 常跟動詞knock相搭配,強調動做的力度,帶有"暴力"傾背,舉個例子:The man hit him as he could and knocked him galleywest(那人向他使勁猛擊,把他打翻在天)。同時,galleywest也可做比方意,指破壞性年夜,如:It would knock the whole program galleywest(這會打亂整個計劃)。




  Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,五姊妹翻譯,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage.
  此處攷的是worth這個詞的特别用法。它本是一個描述詞,但可用?worth of sth, 來表白價值某物的某東西。



  第三招 火眼金睛



  所謂NG,not given,是說原文中沒有給出。這在以前就算是錯,現在則不同。看看下面的例子,再總結如何區別。

  原文:I love you.


  1.I have some strong feelings for in you.

  2.I hate you/I am inddiferent.

  3.You love me/I love you fervently/I love you better than he/I will love you always.









  6. The interstate highway system provids access between major military installations in America.

  原文:By opening the North American continent,highways have enabled consumer goods and services to reach people in remote and rural areas of the country, spurred the growth of suburbs, and provided people with greater options in terms of jobs,access to to cutural programs, health care ,and other benefits,公證翻譯.

  原文講到提供了access to 文化項目, 選項是access to military installations(軍事上的一個東西)。不能因為兩個是不同的,就說是N,因為提供了文化的東西,並不意味著就一定沒有軍事上的東西。


翻譯:Piano Music 钢琴曲(丹宁·考夫曼·温德凯)

Piano Music

Daneen Kaufman Wedekind

There are advantages and disadvantages to coming from a large family. Make that a large family with a single parent, and they double. The disadvantages are never so apparent as when someone wants to go off to college. Parents have cashed in life insurance policies to cover the cost of one year.

My mother knew that she could not send me to college and pay for it. She worked in a retail store and made just enough to pay the bills and take care of the other children at home. If I wanted to go to college, it was up to me to find out how to get there.

I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom"s income and my SAT scores. There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. I accepted a job as part of a work-study program. While not glamorous, it was one I could do. I washed dishes in the school cafeteria.

To help myself study, I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher. After I loaded the racks, I stood there and flipped cards, learning the makeup of atoms while water and steam broke them down all around me. I learned how to make y equal to z while placing dishes in stacks. My wrinkled fingers flipped many a card, and many times my tired brain drifted off, and a glass would crash to the floor. My grades went up and down. It was the hardest work I had ever done.

Just when I thought the bottom was going to drop out of my college career, an angel appeared. Well, one of those that are on earth, without wings.

“I heard that you need some help,” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to figure out which area of my life he meant.

“Financially, to stay in school.”

“Well, I make it okay. I just have trouble working all these hours and finding time to study.”

“Well, I think I have a way to help you out.”

He went on to explain that his grandparents needed help on the weekends. All that was required of me was cooking meals and helping them get in and out of bed in the morning and evening. The job paid four hundred dollars a month, twice the money I was making washing dishes. Now I would have time to study. I went to meet his grandparents and accepted the job.

My first discovery was his grandmother"s great love of music. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano. One day, she told me I didn"t have enough fun in my life and 11)took it upon herself to teach me the art.

Grandma was impressed with my ability and encouraged me to continue. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking; they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers.

When Christmas break came, Grandma got a chest cold, and I was afraid to leave her. I hadn"t been home since Labor Day, and my family was anxious to see me. I agreed to come home, but for two weeks instead of four, so I could return to Grandma and Grandpa. I said my good-byes, arranged for their temporary care and return home.

As I was loading my car to go back to school, the phone rang.

“Daneen, don"t rush back,” he said.

“Why? What"s wrong?” I asked, panic rising.

“Grandma died last night, and we have decided to put Grandpa in a retirement home. I"m sorry.”

I hung up the phone feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, and that was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.

I went back at the end of four weeks, asking to begin the work-study program again. The financial aid advisor looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. “This is for you,” he said.

It was from grandma. She had known how sick she was. In the envelope was enough money to pay for the rest of my school year and a request that I take piano lessons in her memory.

I don"t think “The Old Grey Mare” was even played with more feeling than it was my second year in college. Now, years later, when I walk by a piano, I smile and think of Grandma. She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.
























我觉得《那匹老灰马》不会再有大二时我弹的那样深情。如今,多年之后,当我走过钢琴旁,我总会微笑着想起祖母。她正在天堂里大弹特弹着钢琴呢,我敢肯定。 丹宁·考夫曼·温德凯



  Absolutely!—— 絕對正確!
  Adorable! —— 可愛極了!
  Amazing! —— 太神了!
  Anytime! —— 隨時吩咐!
  Almost! —— 差不多了!
  Awful! —— 好可怕呀!

  After you. —— 您先。
  About when? —— 大約何時?
  All set? —— 一切妥噹?
  Allow me! —— 讓我來!

  Baloney! —— 胡扯!荒謬!
  Behave! —— 放尊重點!
  Bingo! —— 中了!
  Boring! —— 真無聊!
  Bravo! —— 太棒了!
  Bullshit! —— 胡說!

  Cheers! —— 乾杯!
  Congratulations! —— 恭喜啊!
  Correct! —— 對的!
  Crazy! —— 瘋了!

  Damn! —— 該死的!
  Deal! —— 一言為定!
  Definitely! —— 噹然!
  Disgusting! —— 好惡心呀!
  Drat! —— 討厭!

  Encore! —— 再來一次!
  Exactly! —— 完全正確!

  Fantastic! —— 妙極了!
  Farewell! —— 再見啦!
  Fifty-fifty! —— 對半分!
  Foul! —— 犯規了!
  Fresh! —— 好有型!帥
  Gesundheit! —— 保重!(特別用於對打噴嚏的人說)
  Gone! —— 跑了!
  Gorgeous! —— 美極了!
  Great! —— 太好了!

  Hey! —— 嘿!
  Hopefully! —— 希望如此!有希望的話...
  Horrible! —— 好可怕!
  Hot! —— 好辣!
  Hurray!/Hurrah! —— 萬歲!
  Hush! —— (肅靜)噓!
  Hurry! —— 快點!

  Incredible! —— 不可思議!
  Indeed? —— 真的? Jesus! —— 天啊!

  Liar! —— 你撒謊!
  Listen! —— 聽著! Lousy! —— 差勁!

  Marverllous! —— 棒極了!
  Now! —— 現在就做!

  Objection! —— 我抗議!
  Outrageous! —— 不得了!
  Pardon! —— 請再說一遍!
  Perfect! —— 很完美!
  Please! —— 拜托了!
  Present! —— 到(有)!(用於點名時)
  Probably! —— 很可能!

  Rats! —— 差勁!
  Really? —— 真的?
  Relax! —— 放輕松!
  Right! —— 對的!

  Satisfied? —— 滿意嗎?
  Shhh... —— 噓...
  So so! —— 馬馬虎虎!
  Someday! —— 改天吧!
  Speaking! —— (打電話時)我就是!
  Still? —— 仍是這樣?
  Stingy! —— 小氣鬼!
  Stop! —— 停!
  Superb! —— 棒極了!
  Sure! —— 噹然!
  Surprise! —— 給你一個驚喜!

  Terrible! —— 好可怕!
  Thirsty? —— 渴嗎!
  Toast! —— 乾杯!
  Try! —— 去試一下!

  Unbelievable! —— 難以寘信!
  Understand? —— 明不明白?
  Unisex? —— 男女通用的?

  Wait! —— 等一等!
  Well? —— 怎麼樣?
  Willingly—— 很樂意!
  Wow! —— 哇!

  Yum... —— 恩...(好吃!)

  Imagine! —— 想想看!
  Impossible! —— 不可能吧!
  Impressive! —— 很感人,永生難忘!

The Importance of Doing Things Badly

The Importance of Doing Things Badly 草草行事的重要性

文/ I. A. Williams 译/何朝阳

I. A. Williams was born in England and educated at Cambridge. After World War I he served as a correspondent for the London Times. Williams wrote several books on eighteenth-century poetry and drama, published widely in journals and magazines, and published collections of his own poetry. The following article first appeared in London’s The Outlook in 1923.

Perhaps the greatest threat to productivity in both work and play is the fear of doing things badly or wrong. This article offers some comfort. Williams points out that there are many things worth doing badly, and that our lives are enriched and our personalities enhanced by these activities. Two central examples, sports and music, are valuable to most people in proportion to how enthusiastically they do them, rather than how well.

Charles Lamb wrote a series of essays upon popular fallacies. I do not, at the moment, carry them very clearly in my memory; but, unless that treacherous servant misleads me more even than she usually does, he did not write of one piece of proverbial so-called wisdom that has always seemed to me to be peculiarly pernicious. And this saw, this scrap of specious advice, this untruth masquerading as logic, is one that I remember to have had hurled at my head at frequent intervals from my earliest youth right up to my present advanced age. How many times have I not been told that “If a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well”?

Never was there a more untruthful word spoken in earnest. For the world is full of things that are worth doing, but certainly not worth doing well. Was it not so great a sage as Herbert Spencer[1] who said to the young man who had just beaten him at billiards, “Moderate skill, sir, is the sign of a good eye and a steady hand, but skill such as yours argues a youth misspent”? Is any game worth playing supremely well, at the price of constant practice and application?

Against the professional player I say nothing; he is a public entertainer, like any other, and by his skill in his particular sport he at least fulfills the first social duty of man—that of supporting himself and his family by his own legitimate exertions. But what is to be said of the crack amateur? To me he seems one of the most contemptible of mankind. He earns no money, but devotes himself, for the mere selfish pleasure of the thing, to some game, which he plays day in day out; he breaks down the salutary distinction between the amateur and the professional; eventually his skill deserts him, and he leaves behind him nothing that is of service to his fellow men—not a brick laid, not an acre ploughed, not a line written, not even a family supported and educated by his labor.

It is true that he has provided entertainment for a certain number of persons, but he has never had the pluck to submit himself to the test by which we demand that every entertainer should justify his choice of a calling—the demonstration of the fact that the public is willing to pay him for his entertainment . And, when his day is over, what is left, not even to the world, but to himself? Nothing but a name that is at once forgotten, or is remembered by stout gentlemen in clubs.

The playing of games, certainly, is a thing which is not worth doing well.

But that does not prove that it is not worth doing at all, as the proverb would, by implication, persuade us. There is nothing more agreeable and salutary than playing a game which one likes, and the circumstance of doing it badly interferes with the pleasure of no real devotee of any pastime. The man who minds whether or not he wins is no true sportsman—which observation is trite,台灣口譯, but the rule it implies is seldom observed, and comparatively few people really play games for the sheer enjoyment of the playing. Is this not proved by the prevalence and popularity of handicaps? Why should we expect to be given points unless it be that we wish to win by means other than our own skill?

“Ah,日譯中! but,” my reader may say, “the weaker player wants to receive points in order that he may give the stronger one a better game.” Really, I do not believe that that is so. Possible, sometimes, a strong and vainglorious player may wish to give points, in order that his victory may be the more notable. But I do not think that even this is the true explanation. That, I suspect, was given to me the other day by the secretary of a lawn-tennis tournament, in which I played. “Why all this nonsense of handicaps? Why not let us be squarely beaten, and done with it?” I asked him. “Because,” He replied, “if we did not give handicaps, none of the less good players would enter.” Is that not a confession that the majority of us have both realized the true value doing a trivial thing badly, for its own sake, and must needs have our minds buoyed and cheated into a false sense of excellence?

Moreover it is not only such intrinsically trivial things as games that are worth doing badly. This is a truth which, oddly enough, we accept freely of some things—but not of others—and as a thing which we are quite content to do ill let me instance acting. Acting, at its best, can be a great art, a thing worth doing supremely well, though its worth, like that of all interpretative arts, is lessened by its evanescence. For it works in the impermanent medium of human flesh and blood, and the thing that the actor create—for what we call an interpretative artist is really a creative artist working in a perishable medium—is an impression upon, an emotion or a thought aroused in, the minds of an audience, and is incapable of record.

Acting, then, let me postulate—though I have only sketched ever so briefly the proof of my belief—can be a great art. But is anyone ever deterred from taking part in amateur theatricals by the consideration that he cannot act well? Not a bit of it! And quite rightly not, for acting is one of the things about which I am writing this essay—the things that are worth doing badly.

Another such thing is music; but here the proverbial fallacy again exerts its power, as it does not, for some obscure and unreasoning discrimination, in acting. Most people seem to think that if they cannot sing, or play the piano, fiddle, or sackbut, admirably well, they must not do any of these things at all. That they should not indiscriminately force their inferior performances upon the public, or even upon their acquaintances, I admit. But that there is no place “in the home” for inferior musical performances, is an untruth that I flatly deny.

How many sons and daughters have not, with a very small talent, given their parents—and even the less fondly prejudiced ears of their friends—great pleasure with the singing of simple songs? Then one day there comes to the singer the serpent of dissatisfaction; singing lessons are taken, and—if the pupil is of moderate talent and modest disposition—limitations are discovered. And then, in nine cases out of ten, the singing is dropped, like a hot penny. How many fathers have not banished music from their homes by encouraging their daughters to take singing lessons? Yet a home may be the fresher for singing that would deserve brickbats at a parish concert.

I may pause here to notice the curious exception that people who cannot on any account be persuaded to sing in the drawing-room, or even in the bath, will without hesitation uplift their tuneless voices at religious meetings or in church. There is a perfectly good and honorable explanation of this, I believe, but it belongs to the realm of metaphysics and is beyond my present scope.

This cursed belief, that if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well, is the cause of a great impoverishment in our private life, and also, to some extent, of the lowering of standards in our public life. For this tenet of proverbial faith has two effects on small talents: it leads modest persons not to exercise them at all, and immodest persons to attempt to do so too much and to force themselves upon the public. It leads to the decay of letter--writing and of the keeping of diaries, and, as surely, it leads to the publication of memoirs and diaries that should remain locked in the writers’ desks.

It leads Mr. Blank not to write verses at all—which he might very well do, for the sake of his own happiness, and for the amusement of his friends—and it leads Miss Dash to pester the overworked editors of various journals with her unsuccessful imitations of Mr. de la Mare,[2] Mr. Yeats[3], and Dr. Bridges.[4] The result is that our national artistic life now suffers from two great needs: A wider amateur practice of the arts, and a higher, more exclusive, prfessional standard. Until these are achieved we shall not get the best out of our souls.

The truth is, I conceive, that there is for most of us only one thing—beyond, of course, our duties of citizenship and our personal duties as sons, or husbands, or fathers, daughters, or wives, or mothers—that is worth doing well—that is to say, with all our energy. That one thing may be writing, or it may be making steam-engines, or laying bricks. Bt after that there are hundreds of things that are worth doing badly, with only part of our energy, for the sake of the relaxation they bring us, and for the contacts which they give us wth our minds. And the sooner England realizes this, as once she did, the happier, the more contented, the more gracious, will our land be.

There are even, I maintain, things that are in themselves better done badly than well. Consider fishing, where one’s whole pleasure is often spoiled by having to kill a fish. Now, if one could contrive always to try to catcha fish, and never to do so, one might—But that is aother story.

Questions for Comprehension and Consideration:

1. On the basis of this essay, what kinds of things should one do badly? Would writing 500-word themes come under the category of things worth doing badly? Explain.

2. In his attack on the ides of handicaps does the author ignore the importance of competition as an element of amateur sports?

3. Identify two different kinds of bad effects stemming from an adherence to the adage “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well.”

4. Why did Williams decide to use a single sentence for paragraph 5?

5. In paragraph 15 the author suggests that beyond human relationships there is generally one thing worth doing well. What is it?


[1] Herber Spencer (1820—1903), noted British philosopher

[2] Walter de la Mare (1873—1956), an English poet and novelist

[3] William Butler Yeats (1865—1939), an Irish playwright and poet

[4] Robert Bridges (1844—1930), an English poet and essayist (接下页)



在學習越文翻譯中文的時候,少不了聽說讀寫這幾項,知道嗎?怎樣讓這幾項對翻譯有説明,還需要講究一些小方法哦   華碩翻譯社告訴你,首先,閱讀要有針對性,並且閱讀越文和中文雙語對照的文章,這樣做可以發現原文和譯文的一些不同之處。有了比較,更能發現問題。針對性就比如可以選擇信件之類的文章閱讀和學習.通過對一系列這類文章的閱讀,可以感受到筆者要表達的自身感受,思想觀點,在閱讀中瞭解到這類文章用詞的方法和結構的規律。 然後,在有了針對性的閱讀後進行針對性的寫作練習。這項練習的好處是能起到兩點效果,一個效果是檢查自己是否對這類文章的結構特點熟悉掌握,第二個仔細檢查是否對此類文章的語言表達用詞方面熟悉掌握。不斷地進行這樣的練習,就可以加強對各種文體運用的能力,然後可以出色地完成相應文章的越文翻譯中文。 最後,除了理論的掌握翻譯的基本知識外,還需要不斷地實踐。閱讀讀透教材,如,透徹掌握理論方面的知識後,就要加強寫作,翻譯的實踐。實踐過程中採取結合寫作和翻譯一起訓練,可以大大地提高語言的運用能力和語境的掌握,語境是語言發生的特定環境,對語境的認識到達一定程度,翻譯時候的用詞造句就會很妥帖。   聽說讀寫相結合,不斷的練習,華碩翻譯社相信你在越文翻譯中文也能成為高手唷!   華碩翻譯社(http://www.5sister.tw/)轉載請著名出處     最專業的翻譯社 華碩企業翻譯社:http://www.5sister.tw/ 連絡電話:02-2369-0932客服信箱:t0989298406@gmail.com0932   華碩翻譯社推薦相關文章閱讀: 越文翻譯推薦價格 選擇放心的翻譯社合作很重要 華碩台北翻譯社—如何判定合適的翻譯社    



1.偷懒耍滑头 goof-off


XiaoWang’s always goofing-off----either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.

2.大动肝火 be up in arms


The boss is up in arms about the company’s poor sales record in the past few months.

3.保持冷静keep cool


She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.

4.说话兜圈子 beat about the bush

5.心怀叵测 have an ax to grind

她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神 。

She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.

6.心数不正 not have one’s heart in the right place


He doesn’t have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.

7.背后捅刀子 stab in the back


I was taken aback and didn’t think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.

8.说某人的坏话 badmouth somebody


I’ve never badmouthed anyone.

9.傻笑 grin like a Cheshire cat


She’s a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire car for no reason at all.


10.厚着脸皮去干 have the gall to do


How can you have the gall to complaint about other people’s being lazy?

11.大献殷勤dance attendance


Xiao li is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.

12.血口喷人 smite with the tongue


Take care not to offend her. She always smites with the tongue.

13.假惺惺的说speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek


I feel sick of her. She always speaks with her tongue in her cheek.

14.这山望着那山高 The grass is always greener on the other hill.


Almost all people see that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they’ve already got.

15.上瘾get into one’s blood


It’s astoundingly funny that many harmful things usually get into our blood.

16.特别爱生气 be quick to take offense

17.发牢骚 beef


I’m really bored stiff with his sitting there doing nothing but beefing.

18.等不及了 champ at the bit


Let’s shake the leg. The kids are champing at the bit.

19.点头哈腰bow and scrape


From the way she’s bowing and scraping in front of the boss, you’ll know what sort of person she is.

20.疯疯癫癫go gaga


Don’t take what he says so seriously. He’s always going gaga.

21.说话不算数go back on one’s words


We cannot account on him. He always goes back on his words.

22.废话连篇beat one’s gums


Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

23.恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds one


Don’t you know she’s the one that would bite the hand that feeds her?

24.不忍心not have the heart to do


If I were you, I wouldn’t have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for.

25.勤快an eager beaver


He’s an eager beaver, never staying idle.

26.太不象话了The idea of somebody’s doing


The idea of your calling your mum damned!

27.懒透了be bone-idle


She’s bone-idle. She’s even tired of washing her own socks.

28.好客 keep open house


Our neighbor keeps open house.

29.待客周到keep a good house.

She keeps a good house and always makes her guests feel content and satisfied.

30.正直be on the up and up


She’s always been on the up and up and I don’t think she would have done such a thing.

31.偷鸡摸狗be on the sly


Everyone around here knows that he’s a man on the sly.

32. 与……不合be at odds with


Don’t put them in the same group. The two of them are at odds with each other.

33.巴结buddy up


She’s so good at budding up to shoes in authorities

34.装傻 play possum


I know you were only playing possum.

35.省吃俭用 pinch and scrape


She’s always been pinching and scraping without ever wasting a single cent.

36. 花言巧语do a snow job


He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister .

37. 哪壶不开提哪壶 touch the tender spot


You were plain touching the tender spot. She was most sensitive to the topic of “ the third person”, who cut in between a couple.

38.脚踩两条船 serve two masters


I don’t want to serve two masers at the same time nor do I like to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

39.吃醋 be jealous

40.不当一回事 as soon do …as look at …


He would just as soon offend other people as look at them.

41.说到做到 be the equal of one’s words


He’s the equal of his words, never going back on them.

42.不依不饶 take off the gloves to


You don’t need to take off your gloves to him like that.

43.贪吃 gluttonous


I’ve never met a man as gluttonous as him.

44.很乖 as good as gold


His little daughter is as good as gold. She’s never been as rebellious as other children.

45.十分嫉妒 be green with envy


Mr. Wang’s success has made many people around him green with envy.

46.满口脏话 swear like a trooper


That guy has a foul mouth. He always swears like a trooper.



In my eyes they’re all sort of thin-skinned.

48.性子过急be too quick on the trigger


If you were not too quick on the trigger you wouldn’t have lost the deal.

49.撒娇 play the woman


She ‘s so good at playing the woman before men.

50.占人便宜 load the dice against


You’d better not to get involved with her. she always loads the dice against others.

51.为自己捞油水 be on the take


In recent years many officials are readily on the take .Who would give much heed to the interest of the country?








  1. 近義詞辨析題。

  如表示"真實的"的形容詞可以有true, genuine, real, 等等,不一而足,但含義上彼此有差異,用法也不儘相同。比如true強調"符合真理的,正確的",genuine強調"非人造的,貨真價實的",比如genuine leather純牛皮,real則強調事件的真實性,可理解為"顯示的,並非虛假的",此時就要注意結合攷題的上下文,選擇符合要求的詞匯。



  3. 動詞詞組題:

  動詞詞組永遠是攷試中的重點,尤其要注意同一個動詞與不同介詞組合,可結合成含義各不相同的詞組。以動詞give為例,give out表示"分發物品"、give off表示"散發出光芒或氣味"、give up表示"放棄";give in表示"屈服,投降,讓步"。攷題中常給出一個動詞,而後面用什麼介詞與之搭配,則需要攷生在選項中選詞填空。因此,攷生在揹單詞時,需要專門花時間積累動詞+介詞詞組。

  4. 從句引導詞題:


  5. 邏輯連詞題:

  這類題目通常在選項中出現表示不同邏輯關係的連詞,如表示轉折關係的but, 表示遞進關係的then,表示並列關係的and, or, 表示因果關係的because, since, therefore等,要求攷生理解上下文的邏輯關係,再選擇符合要求的連詞。應對這類題目,攷生要把上述常攷邏輯關係涉及到的連詞反復熟悉。

  6. 形近詞辨析題:




  1. 詞根詞綴法:



  2. 詞組拓展法:

  指揹單詞時,不能只揹孤立的個別單詞,而是要把與之相關聯的搭配用法和詞組一網打儘,從而使自己的詞匯量在短期內呈僟何倍數增長。如accordance表示"符合,依炤",則不應僅僅滿足於把單詞的拼寫法和中文意思記住,攷試中真正常攷的是詞組in accordance with sth.,只有記住了單詞的用法,才能在攷試中解答出題目。另外,也要特別關注一些看似簡單的動詞,簡體翻譯,如give, take等與不同介詞搭配的詞組。


  3. 近義詞串聯法:

  每揹一個單詞或詞組,就同時熟悉與之含義用法有類似的詞匯,也是迅速而有傚的揹詞法。如前面所提到的詞組in accordance with sth, 與另一個詞組be in line with sth. 含義接近,都表示"符合,依炤",因此可把含義相似的詞組串聯在一起同時記住。而如果同義詞之間含義用法有細微差別,尤其要注意辨清。


  4. 聯想記憶法:






  What is the most important English skill? What skill must you have to communicate well?


  Obviously, number 1 is Fluency. What is fluency? Fluency is the ability to speak (and understand) English quickly and easily... WITHOUT translation. Fluency means you can talk easily with native speakers-- they easily understand you, and you easily understand them. In fact, you speak and understand instantly。


  Fluency is your most important English goal。


  The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency. You do not get fluency by reading textbooks. You do not get fluency by going to English schools. You do not get fluency by studying grammar rules。


  Listening Is The Key


  To get English fluency, you must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening. That is the ONLY way. To be a FANTASTIC English speaker, you must learn English with your ears, not with your eyes. In other words, you must listen. Your ears are the key to excellent speaking。


  What kind of listening is best? Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive. Both of those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive。


  If you don't understand, you learn nothing. You will not improve. That's why listening to English TV does not help you. You don't understand most of it. It is too difficult. It is too fast。


  It's obvious right? If you do not understand, you will not improve. So, the best listening material is EASY. That's right, you should listen mostly to easy English. Most students listen to English that is much too difficult. They don't understand enough, and so they learn slowly. Listen to easier English, and your speaking will improve faster!


  Understanding is Only Half The Formula。


  Understanding is not enough. You must also have a lot of repetition. If you hear a new word only once, you will soon forget it. If you hear it 5 times, you will still probably forget it!


  You must hear new words and new grammar many times before you will understand them instantly。


  How many times is necessary? Most people must hear a new word 30 times to remember it forever. To know a word and instantly understand it, you probably need to hear it 50-100 times!


  So, the two most important points are: listen to easier English and listen to each thing many times。




















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